For a girl that has been partially employed for most of the past year I've spent more than my desired time watching the news, the Today show, and each and every political debate. I can't believe that even though tomorrow there will be plenty of commentary and analyzing going on by all the loud people in D.C -it will all be over. I won't have to watch another horrendous Jim Martin commercial again. Hallelujah! Really, I can't take one more. I've gotten to where I mute the tv when I am home. I like to have something on so it doesn't feel so lonely in the condo but I literally refuse to listen to one more of those ads. Oh my goodness....I am not I am typing I look up and there it is again! I surrender. No more tv. It is off. Done.
Carrying on......Today is obviously a pretty huge day for our country. The fact alone that there is an African-American man and a woman in the election is something to talk about. Not that my generation has been around all that long but I do recall 5th grade history in Mrs. Cooks class and all of those men we learned about from the last 200+ years. I didn't fully understand that social changes would soon mark many of my young adult years......the fall of communism, the rise of terrorism, the tolerance of all kinds of people who call themselves American, the decline of American morality, and the rise of Starbucks! Those are the most memorable ones for me. I mean today is a big day.....not only are we voting for either a male and a female presidential ticket or an African American led ticket - Starbucks is giving away free coffee!!! I have waited for this day for a long time! After spending my future kids' college fund on frothy coffee flavored drinks the last several years it is about time for something completely free! No "after 2pm-2 dollars off" type stuff.....FREE FREE FREE! So, as I am sure you are already in line as I write or you are preparing to go it - get out and cast our vote for history! The free things don't last forever now! If not for the love of your country, for the love of free things! Here are some other free things below, too. Basically, go vote. Get your sticker. Go get some chicken fingers at Shanes. Yummo! Go to work for a few good hours. Talk about your crazy wait in line this morning and how you didn't know any of the other names of the other offices you voted on. About 1:30 you are going to need a break. Walk over to your local S'bucks and they'll give you a mid-day-pick-me-up-cup-o-coffee....on the honor system, too! You just have to tell them you sticker needed. But don't lie...that goes back to the morale decline of America thing. Then, finish your emailing at work and on your way home to see the kiddos - stop by and get you a big ice cream cone at Ben and Jerry's! All for free. I love election day.
Starbucks for President!
The Fresh sign is Always on at Krispy Kreme.
Shane says VOTE.
We all scream for ICE-CREAM!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
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