For now, I have a Pillsbury dough boy for a 6 month old and a few quiet minutes to tell you about him. Our 2nd born is quite agreeable - like his daddy, I presume. He has become a "car" baby because that is where he spends his growing days. This is both good and extremely annoying because on the rare occasion we are not in the car - he is not at his happiest. But for the most part he is just a roly poly of a boy with a ginormous smile that can be felt across a room. He smiles so wide and gives you the impression that he might squeal but his grin is too wide to allow any real sound to come out so instead he gives out an airy-shriek when anyone as so much as cuts their eyes in his direction.
He likes to eat so he fits in well with our family. Brad thought he would try giving him a bite of a sweet potato when we are out to what had started as a pleasant brunch a few Sunday's ago. That's like starting a newly turned 21 year old on Whiskey. Needless to say, the brunch was cut short because there wasn't anymore sweet potato and the boy had discovered the whole new world of a spoon with food on it in his mouth. I really despise the baby food stage. I'm not complaining because I know it is short lived but it is just really time consuming and right now there is no more time to be consumed. The pediatrician says he should be eating 2 meals a day and 4 bottles but slowly getting to 3 meals a day. Let me just run down what that might look like were it ever to happen:
7am - Feed W bottle
7:30 - Feed B waffles
8 - Feed W mushy, messy food
10 - Feed B some sort of seemingly nutritious snack (do whole grain goldfish count?)
11 - Feed W bottle
12 - Feed B chicken fingers because that is what he eats everyday. Oh, and i throw in a grape for my conscious.
12:30 - Feed W more mushy, messy, stinky food
Ahh.......little break in order to maybe feed myself or atleast take a vitamin so I don't fall over one day
1pm - Check mail because it is my favorite time of day
I'm sorry, Mr. Mailman, I forgot to put pants on today. I was too busy nourishing my offspring. I do apologize.
3 - Feed W another bottle....I actually enjoy this bottle time because I make B watch tv (don't judge) while we sit for 10 mins
3:30 - Snack time for B again (and this isn't bc he is hungry but it takes up some of the often lingering time before dad's home)
5:30 - Feed B some sort of meal that should be considered dinner (grapes and cheese? With a side of yogurt?)
6pm - Feed W yet another bowl of mushy, nasty, stinky, smelly, messy Gerber food (because I actually do not have the time I
thought I would have to make his food the way I homemade B's food. I never wanted to be a supermom anyway.)
7 - Feed W yet one more bottle and sing him to sleep
Carrying on....He seems to like anything that will go in his mouth. I am serious. Paper, plastic, green beans, rice, medicine bottles, keys, looks like he will have a wide array of favorite foods so that will be helpful.
The little weeble doesn't move much so unfortunately all of these calories that I labor over getting into his mouth just stick to one of his 5 rolls on his leg or to the side of his already cushy cheek. Oh, but I do love me a chubby baby so we are just the best of friends right now. There is not a person that has met William that doesn't first comment on his curvy figure and then comment on his rejuvenating smile.
He is sitting....sort of. We'll call him an assisted sitter. But he does roll from his belly to his back and it doesn't matter who is in the room he giggles every time he does it. I am thinking he will also have the self-confidence of his daddy and that is a good thing!
Lastly, he loves his big brother. He watches him as he plays in and out of each room and he will stare at Brooks when he is acting unpleasantly and just grin and laugh to which makes B act even more hateful. Ah, I love the entertainment!
I can't quite comment on what these 6 months have meant to us. I know I will look back at 2009-2011 and remember only very small snippets because everything has happened so fast but I know the tidbits I will remember will not be the sleepless nights or the peepee on my leg and shoulder but the grins, and the giggles, and the belly laughs that these two boys brought to our house. We are just starting to see a little glimmer of light peek in from this fog we have been under since as far as I can remember. (I may just be saying that because they are both asleep at the same time right now???) I can see stability and it is not too far away and that alone, keeps me going.
Here are a few pictures from the last month.
At 5 months old I discovered my tongue...much like my brother did at this age. It is the strongest muscle of the body you know?
This is our other daily must (other than eat) - a neighborhood walk, no matter the weather!
The "assisted" sitter
B and his not-s-good 2nd hair cut
6 months today!
Who needs a $700 train table?
They are BEYOND precious. Both of them. Just LOVE them and love you too!