Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life with glasses

After the initial 48 hours of the newest, smallest, yet most expensive thing that I now have to keep up with as a mom were over William has not seemed to notice the little boogers sitting atop his button nose. I know I should have a crazy excited opinion about these things because they've brought more life to my already lively toddler - I just have a little love/hate relationship with them. As most things in parenting go - the transition for me to give William glasses has been much harder than it was for him. He ate sugar for 48 hours straight just so I could keep his hands in his mouth and not on his eyes. And now almost a week later he is milking his new found cuteness for all it's worth. I called my husband who was out of town on the 3rd day of glasses and asked him, as a present glasses or contacts wearer, if glasses make him act like a nut at work? William has acted like he ate brownies sprinkled with a little mari-j-uana, yall. He spins circles in order to get to half of the places he is going, hence his new official name as "the tornado" and he reaches for things in thy way in the sky! He also knows he is getting the looks and gawks of everyone who walks by so he has used that power to throw the mother of all tantrums anytime we are in public. I mean, what mama could be upset with a toddling-four eyed heart throb?

As much as I have not adjusted well to keeping up with or cleaning these little pests, I do see the life they have brought to our son. It is so beautiful to watch him see the paintings of the elephants and giraffes on our church walls for the first time. His teacher at school today said she couldn't stop laughing at him as he saw things in the class for the first time, too. I am so grateful we found this little flaw at an early early age and now William can start to see and learn just like other little tykes his age. Any bets on how many days we own these glasses before I am headed to the doctor for our second pair?
The essentials now needed to walk out the door with two toddlers and a constantly hungry or thirsty pregnant woman are uncontrollable and quite embarrassing! We're just praying William will take some responsibility at his young age and keep them on his head....for atleast a month before were begging for more and thus squeezing every dollar out of flexible spending in FEBRUARY! Yay for new eyes!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY CUTENESS! I literally cannot handle it. I want to squeeze him!
