Before we were wed nearly two short years ago everyone would ask me if I was
ready (whatever that entails???) and really until I could count how many days I had left on my two hands until the big day it didn't register that my whole world was about to change. For the good of course....
Well, now we are 13 nights away from our move to Savannah. I just stopped breathing.
13 NIGHTS!!!!! I can about name what I am doing everyone of those nights and about everyone of those days from now until then, too, and that is even more overwhelming. It seems that we won't slow down until about this time next month after we move, attend my high school reunion (crazy!), and see my brother get married. But we have realized that is how we operate around here - all or nothing. So, I'll start making a list.
I remember when there were just 12 days before I would become a new last name. That was the day I made the ultimate list. Probably one of the most exciting things for me was making this list of things left to do and seeing the things left to do crossed off the list one by one. I cherish my lists and there is evidence of that all over our house, in my car, taped tp my bathroom window, and, in the "tasks" on my phone. This particular list was a page and a half of college ruled notebook paper of the tasks ranging from
pick up wedding band to
get the wine for communion during the ceremony (which I forgot to do to even though somehow it was crossed off...which became a highlight of the wedding....faking the communion) to
make a cd of music for the breaks from the band - and this was a necessary element to someone like me who has only dreamt her whole life of the dancing that MUST take place at her wedding rather than the dress she might wear.
I am looking at this heirloom antique piece of notebook paper now and I'm just a little weepy to be honest. This paper representing more than just the words on the paper is a true masterpiece. Two years have flown by and how I wish I could throw that kind of party again....all of my favorite people with my favorite foods, outside under a perfectly cool and starry night, with the best music, all of my family in attendance and enjoying the company, my cowboy boots on, a beautiful message of the gospel by our dear friend,
Gary, and my co-guest of honor was the person that knows me best. My wedding night will truly be remembered as the most special night of my life, first, because I began the new chapter with Brad, and, secondly because I felt fully understood by everyone there. It was the best expression of us...the way God had made Brad and I and crafted our individual stories to collide into one story. Somehow to me, that night represented that story perfectly down to every last detail. Maybe it was my fully crossed off beautiful list that insured us the most perfect night??? I think so......(Haha)
So maybe that is why this move has made me wish for a party again. It's not that I think we will even be missed enough to have a party thrown for us. We may even be back before some people realize we have gone. So, on my to-do list that I started to create yesterday nearly half of the entries relate to the party that I want to happen (in the next 13 nights) to be able to say farewell (for now) to so many dear friends. I really don't know what this adventure holds for us. We've had some great times with some very special friends here in Atlanta and though I know that there is an adventure waiting and some very good things in store for our family in the low country- I can't help but think of the sweet friends we have made here in Atlanta, the rich conversations, the yummy dinners at so many of our
favorite places, and the overall feeling that we were part of God's story here. We won't know right away why our paths crossed with so many special friends here or why for a few years we were able to be close in proximity to part of our family or why we made this little condo "home" for longer than we expected but I know that this was all part of our big-collided story.
Tomorrow I will actually begin the process of moving. I have pushed the inevitable off long enough. Tomorrow it is time to put on my big girl panties and open my arms to this new adventure. This is our story and I certainly don't want to miss one more day of it clinging to my comfortable life here in Brookhaven. Tomorrow I will start by cleaning out my closet and dresser of madness. Maybe this move I will actually part with my clothes from high school? That task has been on one of many lists for several years now.
The countdown has begun......pass me the tissues, please, and let's start checking things off the "to-do" list. Lists sure make everything seem like just a big task to be completed rather than an emotional event so I'll just hold tight to my list to the next two weeks and catch my breath when might feet are in Savannah!
Oh, and the above picture is a picture of the tidal creek at the back of our new yard. I can tell many a nights will be spent on this deck overlooking the marsh and the water dreaming our days away.
P.S. - I just added " GET KAYAKS" in bold letters onto my "to-do" list!

Here we are about two years ago checking off the first item on "the list" - stuff the invitations! We made even this chore fun....
Just because I like this picture....here we are playing on a barrel of hay because that is what I thought you did when you travelled to South Georgia and needed a "save-the-date" quickly!
Play on barrel of hay. Check.