Hello nameless child. We do love you. We just can't name you. Nothing seems perfect enough for our second little man.
You see, we put a whole bunch of energy and effort in naming your older brother who just happened to arrive only about a year before you and to be honest - we have no "back-up" name of his that is just right for you and our list of names has been slashed as we have since found reasons that are probably reasons to no one else to eliminate some of our once favorite names.
We talk about your name alot...almost too much. When ever we are driving down the road we ask Brooks if he likes "Peachtree or Piedmont or Haven as a name?" (Get it - Brooks and Haven??) Last week someone jokingly told me we should name this bundle of happiness "Dunn." I didn't think twice about it and then woke up with sweats having a horrific nightmare that my children were Brooks & Dunn!
Then last night we went on a much-needed adult only date (thanks to Nise!) and we talked the whole time about what we would call you because Bingo just wasn't working anymore....a little too impersonal. Your dad even pulled out his first love, the iphone, and thought surely there was an "app for that." Meaning an app to name our unborn child. We resolved to looking through lists on the internet - the source of all knowledge and power- when we got home. Our first list was the biblical name list and what do you know - they would like us to name you Amos! For reasons you'll soon learn, we passed on that name as well as Judas and Nehemiah. Then we started thinking through our family and while there are a few names that we do love for you or a sibling down the way - nothing seems to be just right. Plus, you will also learn, there are some funny names on both sides of your family and though the name "August" may have been perfect for your late late ancestor - you are set to be born in August and we didn't want people asking if you were conceived in August and if your middle name was Starry Starry night or something. People are crazy these days! Your doctor who will hopefully deliver you told me the other day of a baby she just delivered given then large name of Armageddon. Nice for others but I don't want you to remind everyone of the end times - but rather the happy times.
Since we spent our whole date deliberating over your name i went to bed with names running all through my mind. I've concluded that we will no longer talk names at night because I spent the whole night half awake picturing you as the names that came to my head. I finally fell asleep calling you Chapman and I don't know where in the world that came from!!!
So please little man, forgive us for not calling you by name yet. We think about you often. Your brother kicks you ferociously when I am changing his diaper - he is just ready for you to wake up already and join the party! if there is a perfect name for you that we haven't mentioned please send us a sign! We are praying over this most-important decision because we know your name will be the one thing that will always follow you. For now, Dos-Bingo, we love you and we are getting excited about you joining our family. And don't feel too bad - we didn't decide on your brothers name until 10 minutes after he had entered the world and he is doing just fine!
Readers: suggestions welcome but unfortunately - NO MORE "B" names! I know, sad but true. The hard part is most of the names we like best are just that - a lovely "B" name!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Just growin up...that's all.
Added to my resume this past month:
- I "Throw" things - though that usually means it just falls back behind my head but I love to throw something across the room and chase it for-e-ver!
- I'm too interested in crawling and walking along furniture to want my bottle before bedtime. That means I will only drink a bottle twice a day. My mom hates this because she loves to kiss my cheeks and snuggle at night while I usually drink my last bottle!
-My teeth FINALLY came through! I have two beauties on the bottom.
-I always have a finger in my mouth.
-I like to say really advanced words like "ba" for ball or bottle and "da" for everything else including dogs, dads, lights, planes, food, bananas, my mom and anything else that makes me happy.
-I have taken a few steps on my own but my mom still thinks it'll be a few months before I take off. I'll show her!
- I love zucchini. Y'all.....have you ever had grilled zucchini? Holy Moly....I love it!
-I am enjoying the nursery at mom and dad's gym a little more. I have started to explore all the fun toys rather than sit at the babysitters feet. I'm coming out of my shell mom, don't you worry.
-I love to push my shopping cart or a plastic car around in circles over and over and over and over again.
-Dancing is my favorite thing to do when I am in my stroller or before bath time. My mom always said I would come out dancing since she was always bouncing around when I was growing.
-I am counting down the days until my first birthday and loving every kiss and smile I get from any of my admirers. Life is good, folks, I can't complain!
-I'm tired of being compared to a sheep!

- I "Throw" things - though that usually means it just falls back behind my head but I love to throw something across the room and chase it for-e-ver!
- I'm too interested in crawling and walking along furniture to want my bottle before bedtime. That means I will only drink a bottle twice a day. My mom hates this because she loves to kiss my cheeks and snuggle at night while I usually drink my last bottle!
-My teeth FINALLY came through! I have two beauties on the bottom.
-I always have a finger in my mouth.
-I like to say really advanced words like "ba" for ball or bottle and "da" for everything else including dogs, dads, lights, planes, food, bananas, my mom and anything else that makes me happy.
-I have taken a few steps on my own but my mom still thinks it'll be a few months before I take off. I'll show her!
- I love zucchini. Y'all.....have you ever had grilled zucchini? Holy Moly....I love it!
-I am enjoying the nursery at mom and dad's gym a little more. I have started to explore all the fun toys rather than sit at the babysitters feet. I'm coming out of my shell mom, don't you worry.
-I love to push my shopping cart or a plastic car around in circles over and over and over and over again.
-Dancing is my favorite thing to do when I am in my stroller or before bath time. My mom always said I would come out dancing since she was always bouncing around when I was growing.
-I am counting down the days until my first birthday and loving every kiss and smile I get from any of my admirers. Life is good, folks, I can't complain!
-I'm tired of being compared to a sheep!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Babies play and mommies play, too!
Brooks is becoming quite attached to our Friday play group in the neighborhood. He absolutely wears himself out and leaves no corner or drawer of someone else's house unexplored. I love it because I get to catch up with other moms and talk about mindless things and Brooks loves it because he gets to play and flirt sometimes. He has taken to his friend, Karcyn, and he loved seeing her house last Friday. The week before he was the only boy among a sea of beautiful women but he handled himself quite well.
We did lots of play time this weekend, too, including 3 trips to the park and many circles around the deck with his shopping cart! The little guy is not so little anymore.....11 months and counting down to his first birthday. I wish I could write a sappy blog about my affection for this little man but I wouldn't know where to begin and end. I am so thankful for these days with just Brooks and Brad and Amos. I know a family of 4 has so many fun things to follow but for now we are loving keeping the big man out past bed time just so we can soak up his smile and belly giggle a little longer. Thank you, God, for the blessing of a child. I never ever understood how love can grow to be so big but getting to watch this little person grow everyday is such a joy and true blessing! Okay, more cheese coming this month I am sure as we recall this time last year when everything changed - for the better.
How cute is Molly Anne? So contemplative here.
Yes, Karcyn, I like you and your toys! You have a cool shopping cart!
This picture is just funny to me. Molly Ann is confused, Karcyn is ready for everyone to go home, Brooks continues to throw things even if it is picture time - thanks to Nise, Jack is sleepy and ready for a nap and John Quincy caught something good on the tv for a moment. Oh babies!
How funny is Caroline, always smiling for the camera!
Dad is so proud of the manly scrape on my knee!
And on more adult notes - Brad and I went to a birthday party for one of my favorite people on Saturday night. We had a babysitter and wore clothes other than work out clothes and we felt quite amazing to be honest. This party took place on the prettiest lot in Atlanta - I promise...overlooking the river, high above the city as if we were in the mountains. I loved actually showering before this outing and talking adult talk for an entire evening. These are some of my favorite girls below and girls that have walked with me through many stages of life. What a joy, too! Just think girls....it may be our 50th and we are all recalling those early days when we were just having kids! I just hope I look like the birthday girl when I am 50 - amazing! Anywho, we loved the thunderstorms this weekend, the mild temperatures, our 3 trips to the park, some fun tennis, a long work out on Saturday, and time seeing Nise for dinner. We also loved our walks at the river and enjoying some down time while Brooks napped (for what seemed like FOREVER! Why does that always happen when Brad is home but NEVER during the week?)
Three boys due all within 10 days of each other! Crazy! I am so glad to have some friends to be pregnant with this summer!
Check out the birthday girl in the middle. If 50 looks this good I am ready! What a fun night out with friends.
We hope your weekend was just as enjoyable and relaxing!
Oh, and you must say a birthday wish for my brother, Dr. Matt, who turned 27 today! He has been working like crazy in his residency program in Greenville, SC while enjoying any down time with his new wife! I just love this guy and I am so thankful for a brother and now a dear friend - it probably took us some years but I have loved watching the Lord spell out His specific plans for Dr. Matt. He is tender and strong all at the same time and he has the best view on life! We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Uncle Matt! We wish we were with you to celebrate! Brooks sends a slobbery kiss! (I don't know that he even knows about this blog thing but you can still send a birthday wish his way!)
We did lots of play time this weekend, too, including 3 trips to the park and many circles around the deck with his shopping cart! The little guy is not so little anymore.....11 months and counting down to his first birthday. I wish I could write a sappy blog about my affection for this little man but I wouldn't know where to begin and end. I am so thankful for these days with just Brooks and Brad and Amos. I know a family of 4 has so many fun things to follow but for now we are loving keeping the big man out past bed time just so we can soak up his smile and belly giggle a little longer. Thank you, God, for the blessing of a child. I never ever understood how love can grow to be so big but getting to watch this little person grow everyday is such a joy and true blessing! Okay, more cheese coming this month I am sure as we recall this time last year when everything changed - for the better.

And on more adult notes - Brad and I went to a birthday party for one of my favorite people on Saturday night. We had a babysitter and wore clothes other than work out clothes and we felt quite amazing to be honest. This party took place on the prettiest lot in Atlanta - I promise...overlooking the river, high above the city as if we were in the mountains. I loved actually showering before this outing and talking adult talk for an entire evening. These are some of my favorite girls below and girls that have walked with me through many stages of life. What a joy, too! Just think girls....it may be our 50th and we are all recalling those early days when we were just having kids! I just hope I look like the birthday girl when I am 50 - amazing! Anywho, we loved the thunderstorms this weekend, the mild temperatures, our 3 trips to the park, some fun tennis, a long work out on Saturday, and time seeing Nise for dinner. We also loved our walks at the river and enjoying some down time while Brooks napped (for what seemed like FOREVER! Why does that always happen when Brad is home but NEVER during the week?)
Three boys due all within 10 days of each other! Crazy! I am so glad to have some friends to be pregnant with this summer!
Check out the birthday girl in the middle. If 50 looks this good I am ready! What a fun night out with friends.
We hope your weekend was just as enjoyable and relaxing!
Oh, and you must say a birthday wish for my brother, Dr. Matt, who turned 27 today! He has been working like crazy in his residency program in Greenville, SC while enjoying any down time with his new wife! I just love this guy and I am so thankful for a brother and now a dear friend - it probably took us some years but I have loved watching the Lord spell out His specific plans for Dr. Matt. He is tender and strong all at the same time and he has the best view on life! We hope you had a wonderful birthday, Uncle Matt! We wish we were with you to celebrate! Brooks sends a slobbery kiss! (I don't know that he even knows about this blog thing but you can still send a birthday wish his way!)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Little Man with Grandma-Nise
Grandma-Nise came to play (set Brooks straight as I called it) on Wednesday while Baby Dos/Bingo/The UnNamed Child and I had a date at the doctor. The doctor says this little one is just that - little. Well, not in a bad way but I told her about the fun I had in delivery with a big baby with a big head and she said I should be happy to know that this little guy seemed to be quite average with a narrow head. I was very happy with this report and then she had to slap me with the hospital admittance papers and ask me my questions about labor and I had a mild panic attack realizing that this baby actually has to come out one day pretty soon. Sooner than my just-delivered-a-baby-body would like to admit. Though it seems hard for my husband to believe but I am just now accepting the fact that we are actually expecting a child again and I just wasn't ready Wednesday to accept that the baby would need to come out of me at some point. Brad has asked that he could "pop" (his words) out when he is about 10 months old - I'll ask him, honey, I will for you. I like husbands thinking but I also know once our uncrawling, unwalking, unactive infant comes into this world we will both be so smitten with the new guy - the same way we were with the now big guy.
Anyway, I am a little more calm now and have resolved to live as I know best - hour by hour. I can't get overwhelmed thinking about the amount of love it will take to raise two boys or thinking that one day these two will love another girl and move off and leave me. I have to live hour by hour and focus on the needs of each hour. This hour Brooks is needing his waffle and banana and that is all I need to do. I can do that.
Nise, set the boy straight!
Note his "boy"clothes. "Big" otherwise known as my dad demanded to see Brooks in "boy" clothes rather than a bubble - otherwise known as a dress to him. Brooks says he'd look cute in a tu-tu so leave him alone!

Now I am ready for my South Georgia grandparents to come teach me how to be a man next month!
Anyway, I am a little more calm now and have resolved to live as I know best - hour by hour. I can't get overwhelmed thinking about the amount of love it will take to raise two boys or thinking that one day these two will love another girl and move off and leave me. I have to live hour by hour and focus on the needs of each hour. This hour Brooks is needing his waffle and banana and that is all I need to do. I can do that.
Nise, set the boy straight!

Note his "boy"clothes. "Big" otherwise known as my dad demanded to see Brooks in "boy" clothes rather than a bubble - otherwise known as a dress to him. Brooks says he'd look cute in a tu-tu so leave him alone!

Now I am ready for my South Georgia grandparents to come teach me how to be a man next month!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day Confession
We have nothing yet to contribute to this Earth day. We forgot to put our recycling bin out for the recycling truck to pick up as we forget to do most Thursdays.
Worse, we hopped in our gas-drinking sports utility vehicle early this morning to celebrate the grand opening of the highly anticipated - Nordstrom Rack in Buckhead. Oh boy, I am really going to have to get a big person job. I live way too close to be tempted way too often. But - on happier notes - we did help stimulate the economy and right now I am more concerned with the economy than the earth. I'll worry about the earth tomorrow.
But - In honor of earth day, I did forego the shopping bag and resolved to carry my purchases in the bottom of my stroller. I know, such a saint!
Go put dollars in our economy and go to The Rack - just maybe not on Opening Day with me and all the other crazies!
Worse, we hopped in our gas-drinking sports utility vehicle early this morning to celebrate the grand opening of the highly anticipated - Nordstrom Rack in Buckhead. Oh boy, I am really going to have to get a big person job. I live way too close to be tempted way too often. But - on happier notes - we did help stimulate the economy and right now I am more concerned with the economy than the earth. I'll worry about the earth tomorrow.
But - In honor of earth day, I did forego the shopping bag and resolved to carry my purchases in the bottom of my stroller. I know, such a saint!
Go put dollars in our economy and go to The Rack - just maybe not on Opening Day with me and all the other crazies!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A List of things
I just overheard that Friday Night Lights is returning to regular tv and will once again be on Friday nights. Honey, draw the curtains, pop the popcorn, your wife is sooo ready for her favorite Friday night date!
I still haven't actually gotten my hands on my craving but I am a few steps closer. Thank you to everyone for your support through this addiction.
I actually got paid for 2 hours yesterday to do real live work. It was amazing! I felt silly and important all at the same time. My "business attire" smelled like spit up and when I went to get my pen out of my purse Brooks' diapers fell on to the floor of the Buckhead club - among Who's Who in Atlanta. Sweet.
Baby "Dos" is visiting us today via ultrasound. Every time I see this little guy moving on the screen it sinks in a little more but then I still ask the ultrasound tech if I am really pregnant? She says she is going to make a sure that says "Yes, i am really pregnant again."
I also just heard the preview for the Office tomorrow night. Pam is back to work after the baby and she can't find her breast pump. (This is a tragedy if you aren't quite sure the impact of this loss). She goes into the bathroom to find Phyllis having a good ole time with her pump! Phyllis replies that she just likes the way it feels. I know this isn't public blog material but I just spit up my second bowl of cheerios when I heard this little clip!
I made Brooks' birthday party invites yesterday. Let's just say it should take any somewhat intelligent person maybe an hour. It took me 4. Thank you very much.
We didn't win the stroller on ebay but we did "win". The seller tried to drive the bids up and I wasn't going to have it so I quit bidding. Sucker emails me this morning asking if I want to buy the stroller at my original bid! We'll just have to wait and see Mister Seller. There are many strollers wanting me to own them right now.
One of my best friends in the whole wide world is getting married in 6 weeks and at a beautiful 31 weeks pregnant I will get to stand beside her. Beautiful. This weekend is her bachelorette weekend in Oxford, MS. I have to miss it because of a 10 month old (whom I adore) but I am so sad to miss such an anticipated weekend! Does anyone know a sitter for the weekend in Oxford?
My toes need some attention. Pedicure please?
What's gotten into my sweet baby boy. He isn't sweet today. He is roaring at me and flashing his scary two half-teeth. More so, he threw his pancake at me this morning and was just plain not nice. Is this what everyone talks about? Is it beginning? Luckily, he gets to spend the afternoon with Grandma-Nise. She can set him straight!
I just overheard that Friday Night Lights is returning to regular tv and will once again be on Friday nights. Honey, draw the curtains, pop the popcorn, your wife is sooo ready for her favorite Friday night date!
I still haven't actually gotten my hands on my craving but I am a few steps closer. Thank you to everyone for your support through this addiction.
I actually got paid for 2 hours yesterday to do real live work. It was amazing! I felt silly and important all at the same time. My "business attire" smelled like spit up and when I went to get my pen out of my purse Brooks' diapers fell on to the floor of the Buckhead club - among Who's Who in Atlanta. Sweet.
Baby "Dos" is visiting us today via ultrasound. Every time I see this little guy moving on the screen it sinks in a little more but then I still ask the ultrasound tech if I am really pregnant? She says she is going to make a sure that says "Yes, i am really pregnant again."
I also just heard the preview for the Office tomorrow night. Pam is back to work after the baby and she can't find her breast pump. (This is a tragedy if you aren't quite sure the impact of this loss). She goes into the bathroom to find Phyllis having a good ole time with her pump! Phyllis replies that she just likes the way it feels. I know this isn't public blog material but I just spit up my second bowl of cheerios when I heard this little clip!
I made Brooks' birthday party invites yesterday. Let's just say it should take any somewhat intelligent person maybe an hour. It took me 4. Thank you very much.
We didn't win the stroller on ebay but we did "win". The seller tried to drive the bids up and I wasn't going to have it so I quit bidding. Sucker emails me this morning asking if I want to buy the stroller at my original bid! We'll just have to wait and see Mister Seller. There are many strollers wanting me to own them right now.
One of my best friends in the whole wide world is getting married in 6 weeks and at a beautiful 31 weeks pregnant I will get to stand beside her. Beautiful. This weekend is her bachelorette weekend in Oxford, MS. I have to miss it because of a 10 month old (whom I adore) but I am so sad to miss such an anticipated weekend! Does anyone know a sitter for the weekend in Oxford?
My toes need some attention. Pedicure please?
What's gotten into my sweet baby boy. He isn't sweet today. He is roaring at me and flashing his scary two half-teeth. More so, he threw his pancake at me this morning and was just plain not nice. Is this what everyone talks about? Is it beginning? Luckily, he gets to spend the afternoon with Grandma-Nise. She can set him straight!
Happy Baby
Put that camera down, woman. I will not smile at you.
I just love the way this boy sits in the tub. He could stay here for hours, literally.
Brooks and his lady friends at play group. Just a normal Friday....playing with koozies!
Yes, I am quite Euro at the pool. You should be jealous.
What water, mom? I want to play with the sticks like dad and I do at home!
What? You don't carry a blush brush around EVERYWHERE you go and pitch a fit when that mean woman tries to take them from you? You are missing out on some fun! {Don't worry Brad, I don't usually let him get out in public with his "tools."}
I just love the way this boy sits in the tub. He could stay here for hours, literally.
Brooks and his lady friends at play group. Just a normal Friday....playing with koozies!
Yes, I am quite Euro at the pool. You should be jealous.
What water, mom? I want to play with the sticks like dad and I do at home!
What? You don't carry a blush brush around EVERYWHERE you go and pitch a fit when that mean woman tries to take them from you? You are missing out on some fun! {Don't worry Brad, I don't usually let him get out in public with his "tools."}
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chronicles of "THE CRAVING" part deux
I am wearing one of Brooks' bibs right now - the kind that catch anything that misses your mouth. You see, for the last 2 hours I have trekked up and down, in and out of this melting pot of a city searching for THE CRAVING. It started as just an inkling or an itch for something and now it has turned out to be an all out competition between my inner-yearnings and the international- supermarket scene here in Atlanta. So the bib is catching the drool from my mouth as I salivate over my beloved mochi yet continue on my never ending quest - rather unsuccessfully to date.
I mentioned THE CRAVING last week. I thought I hit the jackpot Friday as several dear friends and fellow cravers sent me to a few local places to find the object of my affection. Much to my dismay, the thing I am searching for seems to be even unknown to the places that carry it in another form.
Take two. Saturday I had an all day course that I had to take to keep up my certification for group exercise instruction. I was dreading this Saturday as I hate to miss a weekend day with my boys. I was looking at the clock all day and just wishing I was hanging out with the big man and the little man. During the last break of the day my spirits changed. Yoko, my colleague sitting across the room from me overheard me talking to another lady about THE CRAVING. She chimed in and sent me to a true Japanese grocery store in Norcross. Better than that - the lady I was talking to happened to have a business connection to Juicy Green, a new fro-yo place in Virgina Highlands. What???? That means she is sure to know how I can get my hands and stomach around some of my chewy goodness.
Immediately after the class Brad and I headed to the Highlands for an early dinner and a special treat after - a trip to Juicy Green to talk to the owner about buying mochi from him. Alas, he was off that night so we went scurrying to the Japanese market only to find out that it was too late. Yesterday I just sat in agony knowing I needed to actually pay attention to the people in my life and not my inner cravings so I tried to push the thought of the plump ball of sugar out of my mind and focus on my real most prized possessions - my family.
Here's where it gets insane and slightly ridiculous. In the middle of what would be Brooks' afternoon nap today I decided we would field trip all over the city and hopefully come back winners at the end of the day. International grocery stores are just like Publix right, to the true Southern girl?
Right. Oh gosh y'all.....if I had a dollar for every "you are in the wrong place, honey" look that I got I would just buy my own mochi machine! My first stop, the Buford Highway Farmers Market was a gem if you are in the market for beautiful produce at a great price but is a bomb if you are looking for an item from a foreign country and happen to only speak English and marginal Spanish. Let's just say any of the Asian employees thought my baby was cute but didn't recognize the sheer terror and confusion on my face as I strolled up and down the aisles feeling everything in it's package. The item that I was finally pointed to came in a can and was pictured as a topping on red beans and rice. Not so much. I couldn't imagine that the same puff ball that has now added unnecessary stress to my unborn child and nearly 100 miles to my car is the same as the one I would adorn on my red beans and rice!
Off to Tomato, supposedly the only true Japanese grocery store in the metro area. Apparently I am not the only fanatic American to think I could prance in a Japanese grocery store and strut out with a sense of accomplishment. The store clerk looked at me like who is the master of your crazy tribe and why do they keep sending you people to me for this Americanized product. You see, there are aisles and aisles of mochi products - all with pictures of the various fillings inside of the authentic mochi. The fillings include anything from squid to mint to pistachio cream. What??? I JUST WANT SOME DANG MARSHMALLOW TYPE stuff that couldn't be that hard to make and couldn't be more than the $1.19 you pay for a bag of the Jet puffed kind at Publix!
Brooks and I both came home today feeling very defeated and silly. Has this craving gone too far? I have the will power to get over it and move on, right? Wrong. I put Brooks down for a nap and immediately called my pseudo-friend, Brian, the owner of my favorite, Yogurberry. Let's just say - the guy is my favorite when I am in his store but he also is a wise business man and wasn't about to expose his source and thus maybe lose me as a visitor almost everyday! Not even for a pregnant woman, he didn't budge but said I could order through him for a slight mark up. I feel even more silly and defeated. Surely I am not the type of a person that would let aobsession/addiction desire control my daily agenda? Surely now. But I am. I am that pregnant girl, who if you are reading this and you have a real job in a real office making real green money you are laughing at me and thinking I need something more to pass my time than chasing a marshmallow all over town. You see, for a mom with an important job but not a sit-at-a-desk or run-a-meeting type of job these little "missions" or "tasks", if you will, give me a great sense of accomplishment.....of course, once they are actually accomplished. So today, I feel like a loo-hooo-hoo-ooser (thank you Jim, Carey) and to drown my sorrows I am eating whipped cream straight from the can. No lie. I don't even like whipped cream it just seems fitting. Straight from the can - no lies, people.
Possibly to be continued.
Mochi -3, Me -0
I mentioned THE CRAVING last week. I thought I hit the jackpot Friday as several dear friends and fellow cravers sent me to a few local places to find the object of my affection. Much to my dismay, the thing I am searching for seems to be even unknown to the places that carry it in another form.
Take two. Saturday I had an all day course that I had to take to keep up my certification for group exercise instruction. I was dreading this Saturday as I hate to miss a weekend day with my boys. I was looking at the clock all day and just wishing I was hanging out with the big man and the little man. During the last break of the day my spirits changed. Yoko, my colleague sitting across the room from me overheard me talking to another lady about THE CRAVING. She chimed in and sent me to a true Japanese grocery store in Norcross. Better than that - the lady I was talking to happened to have a business connection to Juicy Green, a new fro-yo place in Virgina Highlands. What???? That means she is sure to know how I can get my hands and stomach around some of my chewy goodness.
Immediately after the class Brad and I headed to the Highlands for an early dinner and a special treat after - a trip to Juicy Green to talk to the owner about buying mochi from him. Alas, he was off that night so we went scurrying to the Japanese market only to find out that it was too late. Yesterday I just sat in agony knowing I needed to actually pay attention to the people in my life and not my inner cravings so I tried to push the thought of the plump ball of sugar out of my mind and focus on my real most prized possessions - my family.
Here's where it gets insane and slightly ridiculous. In the middle of what would be Brooks' afternoon nap today I decided we would field trip all over the city and hopefully come back winners at the end of the day. International grocery stores are just like Publix right, to the true Southern girl?
Right. Oh gosh y'all.....if I had a dollar for every "you are in the wrong place, honey" look that I got I would just buy my own mochi machine! My first stop, the Buford Highway Farmers Market was a gem if you are in the market for beautiful produce at a great price but is a bomb if you are looking for an item from a foreign country and happen to only speak English and marginal Spanish. Let's just say any of the Asian employees thought my baby was cute but didn't recognize the sheer terror and confusion on my face as I strolled up and down the aisles feeling everything in it's package. The item that I was finally pointed to came in a can and was pictured as a topping on red beans and rice. Not so much. I couldn't imagine that the same puff ball that has now added unnecessary stress to my unborn child and nearly 100 miles to my car is the same as the one I would adorn on my red beans and rice!
Off to Tomato, supposedly the only true Japanese grocery store in the metro area. Apparently I am not the only fanatic American to think I could prance in a Japanese grocery store and strut out with a sense of accomplishment. The store clerk looked at me like who is the master of your crazy tribe and why do they keep sending you people to me for this Americanized product. You see, there are aisles and aisles of mochi products - all with pictures of the various fillings inside of the authentic mochi. The fillings include anything from squid to mint to pistachio cream. What??? I JUST WANT SOME DANG MARSHMALLOW TYPE stuff that couldn't be that hard to make and couldn't be more than the $1.19 you pay for a bag of the Jet puffed kind at Publix!
Brooks and I both came home today feeling very defeated and silly. Has this craving gone too far? I have the will power to get over it and move on, right? Wrong. I put Brooks down for a nap and immediately called my pseudo-friend, Brian, the owner of my favorite, Yogurberry. Let's just say - the guy is my favorite when I am in his store but he also is a wise business man and wasn't about to expose his source and thus maybe lose me as a visitor almost everyday! Not even for a pregnant woman, he didn't budge but said I could order through him for a slight mark up. I feel even more silly and defeated. Surely I am not the type of a person that would let a
Possibly to be continued.
Mochi -3, Me -0
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wish list
We just came from church. I should be singing hymns and praising God for this beautiful day and I am....in my own way because the pollen won't allow me to really get out and twirl in the grass like I'd like. Instead, I am inside watching my strapping husband do yard work (he seems to do yard work every day now which is really cute. Does he love it or is it just a man thing that makes them feel good? Either way - I love watching him take charge of the yard!) The baby is sleeping and I am finding things to want - which is what every good Christian girl does after church, right? I could have atleast posted this tomorrow so I wouldn't feel so naughty but that's never been my style....my love for instant gratification is my biggest downfall. Which is why I am heading straight to the Buford Hwy Farmers market right after I hit "PUBLISH" to gratify my taste buds! I seemed to have finally located last weeks craving of mochi! (Unfortunately, friends, I raced to Trader Joes and they only have mochi ice cream, not the chewy little pieces) but yesterday a new Japanese acquaintance of mine directed me to Buford Highway - as I once had assumed my love would be found!
Anyway, in my instantly-gratifying style I just bid the largest bid I have ever bid on ebay for a DIAMOND RING! No, a CAR! No, A HORSE! No, people.......a D-O-U-B-L-E-S-T-R-O-L-L-E-R. You would think I was bidding on a house. I am smitten over this stroller the way I should be smitten over much cooler objects but with the walking this family does around the neighborhood a stroller is a big deal - maybe the biggest deal. I am about to forfeit my budget for eating out for 6 months just to be able to stroll my babies stylishly. Anyway, here it is....cross your fingers that we win!
And since Brooks and "Dos" will look so good in their new wheels - I am thinking my wheels needs to look cute, too. I have been eyeing these for a few weeks now. Simple, a little bit of height to my short=pregnant legs but not too much and neutral so they could go with any of my fashionable maternity mu-mu's that I'll be wearing this blazing hot summer. Oh, J.Crew - why do you do this to me every summer? Spare my husbands pay check and leave my appetite for shoes alone!

But mostly I covet these wheels below. They are free - aside from a little formula and a constant supply of bananas. They come especially made after a hard day of bare foot baby living. I never thought I'd love something so dirty so much but I do - and I'd take these stinky things any day over a fancy stroller or new pair of shoes!
Anyway, in my instantly-gratifying style I just bid the largest bid I have ever bid on ebay for a DIAMOND RING! No, a CAR! No, A HORSE! No, people.......a D-O-U-B-L-E-S-T-R-O-L-L-E-R. You would think I was bidding on a house. I am smitten over this stroller the way I should be smitten over much cooler objects but with the walking this family does around the neighborhood a stroller is a big deal - maybe the biggest deal. I am about to forfeit my budget for eating out for 6 months just to be able to stroll my babies stylishly. Anyway, here it is....cross your fingers that we win!

And since Brooks and "Dos" will look so good in their new wheels - I am thinking my wheels needs to look cute, too. I have been eyeing these for a few weeks now. Simple, a little bit of height to my short=pregnant legs but not too much and neutral so they could go with any of my fashionable maternity mu-mu's that I'll be wearing this blazing hot summer. Oh, J.Crew - why do you do this to me every summer? Spare my husbands pay check and leave my appetite for shoes alone!
But mostly I covet these wheels below. They are free - aside from a little formula and a constant supply of bananas. They come especially made after a hard day of bare foot baby living. I never thought I'd love something so dirty so much but I do - and I'd take these stinky things any day over a fancy stroller or new pair of shoes!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Call me pregnant or crazy
This was the question just posed to my darling husband.
Me:If your pregnant wife were to find a place in Atlanta that sold mochi would you go right now to get it for her? Like, right now?
Hunk husband: Sure, babe, anything for my adorable/attractive/amazing pregnant wife. Anything.
Me: Suuuuuuwwwwweeeeeet!
Brad then proceeded out the door to do some yard work as if nothing had just happened. I, on the other hand, took his emphatic reply and ran with it.
I have now called every international grocery store in a 15 mile radius and had half of the Whole Foods employees in the Buckhead store scouring their aisles for my beloved Asian-marshmallow type puff balls.
I would normally tell you that I don't have cravings when I am pregnant. The first go round I did like citrus gatorade and I (or cute husband) would drive all over the perimeter looking for a cold bottle of my craving. For some reason, this is not a usual flavor even though it is supposedly Michael Jordan's most beloved of the sports drink.
And I'll stand by my plea - I don't have weird cravings. This is a 365days a year craving just like anything sweet but my hormones make me go a little more out of my way to cater to my daily craving when I'm "with child." Brad's a mochi-fanatic too. We used to sit in our house in Savannah and pose the "what would you do right now for some mochi" question just to see what crazy stunt the other might pull. Well, there were no asian yogurt places in sweet Southern Savannah so when I knew we were moving home I vowed to eat all the yogurt my heart (and growing bottom) desired. Since we have moved to Atlanta I have now allowed myself to go to my favorite Fro-Yo place at any beckon call from my tastebuds. I justify this expense because I am actually getting some calcium on top of my cup of mochi - the ever popular fro-yo topping at any Asian inspired frozen yogurt joint, and every pregnant women needs her calcium!

Really, though, keeping my own bag of the soft, chewy goodness would probably help out our budget and my sense of will power. Right? Thank you, right.
I have two more places I can call and then tomorrow we will take a field trip to Buford Highway. Buford Highway is sure to have everything and anything international, right? Brooks, it's off to the asian super market, honey! There's a first time for everything! Just remember - when mama's happy everyone's happy.
Me:If your pregnant wife were to find a place in Atlanta that sold mochi would you go right now to get it for her? Like, right now?
Hunk husband: Sure, babe, anything for my adorable/attractive/amazing pregnant wife. Anything.
Me: Suuuuuuwwwwweeeeeet!
Brad then proceeded out the door to do some yard work as if nothing had just happened. I, on the other hand, took his emphatic reply and ran with it.
I have now called every international grocery store in a 15 mile radius and had half of the Whole Foods employees in the Buckhead store scouring their aisles for my beloved Asian-marshmallow type puff balls.
I would normally tell you that I don't have cravings when I am pregnant. The first go round I did like citrus gatorade and I (or cute husband) would drive all over the perimeter looking for a cold bottle of my craving. For some reason, this is not a usual flavor even though it is supposedly Michael Jordan's most beloved of the sports drink.
And I'll stand by my plea - I don't have weird cravings. This is a 365days a year craving just like anything sweet but my hormones make me go a little more out of my way to cater to my daily craving when I'm "with child." Brad's a mochi-fanatic too. We used to sit in our house in Savannah and pose the "what would you do right now for some mochi" question just to see what crazy stunt the other might pull. Well, there were no asian yogurt places in sweet Southern Savannah so when I knew we were moving home I vowed to eat all the yogurt my heart (and growing bottom) desired. Since we have moved to Atlanta I have now allowed myself to go to my favorite Fro-Yo place at any beckon call from my tastebuds. I justify this expense because I am actually getting some calcium on top of my cup of mochi - the ever popular fro-yo topping at any Asian inspired frozen yogurt joint, and every pregnant women needs her calcium!

Really, though, keeping my own bag of the soft, chewy goodness would probably help out our budget and my sense of will power. Right? Thank you, right.
I have two more places I can call and then tomorrow we will take a field trip to Buford Highway. Buford Highway is sure to have everything and anything international, right? Brooks, it's off to the asian super market, honey! There's a first time for everything! Just remember - when mama's happy everyone's happy.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Belly update
H, E, double hockey sticks, NO! I didn't quite update the world on the first go round regarding the lengthening and widening of my torso and I am not about to do it this time either. So in case you are wondering - and some of you are because you have asked - I am as HUGE as I was this time last year and I was about 14 weeks more pregnant! Uh uh uh! I was hoping to defy that little thing that people say..."Oh, you'll pop right out with your second." I hate being the "norm" but call me Norm because I have a basketball already and I am just barely over half way to the finish line. It sure is hard to live in denial regarding a child on the way when you can't see your toes. So, just how am I going to tolerate this Southern Steamy Summer with a Sizzling one year old? Popsicles and a pool - that is my solution thus far and I welcome anymore.
On other notes. 79, 79, 78, 81, 81, 79, 77.......ALL WEEK LONG! I, like you, LOVE this spectacular weather. Everyone in Atlanta is happy these days....things are blooming, rosy cheeks are everywhere and so is the stupid yellow party pooper that rains on my Spring every year. Supposedly being pregnant and having allergies is the worst combination therefore my plan to head for the pool may need some altercations. Anyway, Brooks and I will probably enjoy the sunshine from the window again this week - atleast while the yellow stuff is on the prowl. Happy Spring in the South!
Last quick thought, did any of you ladies watch the end of the Masters today? Is it pregnancy hormones or did Phil's embrace with his wife, Amy who is battling breast cancer right now, just do you in? I sobbed every time they replayed the embrace for the next 30 minutes. I watch the Masters just for those moments every year. I remember watching the tourney at the Terrace nearly 5 years ago and watching some cute, young fellow sweep up his child in one arm with his wife in the other....what a perfect ending to a fun week of competition every year.
Okay, the pollen wins again - we're off to the happy place beneath the fluffy white sheets where hopefully I can escape the invading YELLOW!
On other notes. 79, 79, 78, 81, 81, 79, 77.......ALL WEEK LONG! I, like you, LOVE this spectacular weather. Everyone in Atlanta is happy these days....things are blooming, rosy cheeks are everywhere and so is the stupid yellow party pooper that rains on my Spring every year. Supposedly being pregnant and having allergies is the worst combination therefore my plan to head for the pool may need some altercations. Anyway, Brooks and I will probably enjoy the sunshine from the window again this week - atleast while the yellow stuff is on the prowl. Happy Spring in the South!
Last quick thought, did any of you ladies watch the end of the Masters today? Is it pregnancy hormones or did Phil's embrace with his wife, Amy who is battling breast cancer right now, just do you in? I sobbed every time they replayed the embrace for the next 30 minutes. I watch the Masters just for those moments every year. I remember watching the tourney at the Terrace nearly 5 years ago and watching some cute, young fellow sweep up his child in one arm with his wife in the other....what a perfect ending to a fun week of competition every year.
Okay, the pollen wins again - we're off to the happy place beneath the fluffy white sheets where hopefully I can escape the invading YELLOW!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
This side of heaven
Don't you just love and hate these days? The kind that are so good, so perfect, so enjoyable, so full of everything splendid - family, breathtaking blue skies and 70 degree weather, giggly-chubby babies, food you've thought about and drooled over for months, and no agenda! I am writing this now so I can fully embrace and savor this wonderful Saturday before I put myself to bed. I never knew the weekends could be so fun once offspring enter the family makeup but they are just so entertaining! As Brad and I drove home from a long day in Athens for the G-day game tonight the little bulldawg was just talking and singing in the back of the car - as if to agree with our happy sentiments about our splendid Saturday in our favorite place. I'll post this video tomorrow when I can but it was just so classic - Brooks babbling away in pure contentment!
Anyway, I hate these days because I know they must end and I know I can't stay right in that moment - with Brad, my favorite friend, and Brooks, my favorite little friend - just as happy as 3 larks. These days make me long for heaven and they assure me that I was made for another world where giggles last a lifetime and I can eat all the creamy-grits I want....for every meal! Where family's enjoy endless conversation and time together because there is nowhere better to be. I long for these perfect days but for many of them in a row. My heart and tummy are so full right now of all the good feelings so thank you for letting me share them. I just felt too selfish to go to bed and not share some of my euphoria.
Thank you, God, for this day together with my family of 3.5 and my bigger family. Thank you for a slow pace as we strolled around campus enjoying the colors and the landscape - your perfect creation! Thank you for being so real to us today in the form of a smiling 10.5 month old boy. We are grateful and humbled by the way we felt Your infinite love today.
Brooks hot "wheels" around campus.
Gooooo Dawgs! Or gooooo band! I love dancing to the band.
My mommy's silly.
Anyway, I hate these days because I know they must end and I know I can't stay right in that moment - with Brad, my favorite friend, and Brooks, my favorite little friend - just as happy as 3 larks. These days make me long for heaven and they assure me that I was made for another world where giggles last a lifetime and I can eat all the creamy-grits I want....for every meal! Where family's enjoy endless conversation and time together because there is nowhere better to be. I long for these perfect days but for many of them in a row. My heart and tummy are so full right now of all the good feelings so thank you for letting me share them. I just felt too selfish to go to bed and not share some of my euphoria.
Thank you, God, for this day together with my family of 3.5 and my bigger family. Thank you for a slow pace as we strolled around campus enjoying the colors and the landscape - your perfect creation! Thank you for being so real to us today in the form of a smiling 10.5 month old boy. We are grateful and humbled by the way we felt Your infinite love today.
Brooks hot "wheels" around campus.

Gooooo Dawgs! Or gooooo band! I love dancing to the band.

My mommy's silly.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Weekend in photos
Per the post below, Easter weekend was a 10. It was an 11, really. It was so perfect and I am still full of mac and cheese and lovely memories. Here are some pictures from our pic-nic at the park Saturday night along with a few shots from Easter Sunday. Can you believe (I'm sure you can) that the same mom that forgets shoes on their baby also forgot to get an actual picture with her whole family all dressed up on our first Easter? She did. She forgot. We may dress up this week in our seer sucker and pink just for the photo. We just may......
Brooks and his double dates on the pic-nic blanket.

College buddies and their babies. Things have changed slightly I'd say....
Brooks checking out his chick and measuring cups the Easter bunny brought him. Yes, he is in his Christmas pajama bottoms. That's how we do things around here. And didn't you always get measuring cups from the Easter bunny?

Isn't my great-Nana beautiful? I am so lucky!
Brooks being Brooks.
And, just in case you need a funny friend in your life....This is my funny friend and her AMAZING April Fool's Day joke that I so happily got to partake in - all because of my urine! I love my friends!
Brooks and his double dates on the pic-nic blanket.
College buddies and their babies. Things have changed slightly I'd say....
Brooks checking out his chick and measuring cups the Easter bunny brought him. Yes, he is in his Christmas pajama bottoms. That's how we do things around here. And didn't you always get measuring cups from the Easter bunny?
Brooks being Brooks.
And, just in case you need a funny friend in your life....This is my funny friend and her AMAZING April Fool's Day joke that I so happily got to partake in - all because of my urine! I love my friends!
The shopping monster
We had such a wonderful Easter weekend. It truly was so perfect in so many ways. The weather was exquisite. We were able to spend time with my entire family. We ate amazingly yummy food. The Easter celebration that has spanned the last few weeks at church was just so filling and rejuvenating. I can tell even in the last few days that both Brad and I actually have taken to heart the messages of Easter this year. Don't you love that! When you can tangibly see and feel the grace and joy abounding in a home that might have once harbored even the slightest bit of sarcasm or hostility. Brooks loves Easter eggs and he has enjoyed hiding them from himself and then bursting into laughter when he finds them for the last few weeks now. His down south grand-bunny sent him the cutest Easter/Spring outfits and he just had to wear all of them so he insisted on changing his clothes 3 times each day this weekend. His grand-bunny here gave him a shopping cart.
The men of the family were a little concerned about gender identification when he opened his new shopping cart but I assured them that he would learn to shop at Home Depot and not the grocery store. At first I wasn't sure if Brooks was really ready to really move the way this shopping cart makes him move but after -oh, an hour - Brooks is addicted! And we have created a monster. All day long I follow a step behind him as he pushes his man cart around our little house. He runs into the couch and the dining room table and he gets really mad that they won't move out of his way. I turn him to then stroll into the other room - he bumps into the fridge and stomps his foot. Dang fridge....it'll get you every time! Today when Brooks and I were for real shopping for a birthday present for one of his friends the store had a mini shopping cart too. Well, my half dressed, dirty knee'd baby pushed his man cart all over the store. He left in a raging fit that the fun was over and with genuine grocery store feet since his mother didn't care to put shoes on him this morning. This afternoon I had to hide the cart because I was just too exhausted to follow behind him for the remainder of the afternoon.
I hate to tell you all of this and then not show you the proof in video of our baby's shopping abilities but for some reason I can't upload right now. I leave you with visions of his two front/bottom teeth. I knew they were there and would make their debut soon enough. I don't want him to get anymore teeth or start to pull away from his shopping cart to actually walk on his own! Where is the time going???? I am just so grateful to be home with this little monkey everyday to see his every little move. As tiring and monotonous as I may at times relay our days - this truly is the greatest blessing I've known. Thank you, Mr. Brad, for working so hard (and getting up extra early to try to have any "free" time outside of work) so that we can spend our days together! I promise we'll make you happy for the rest of your life! And - we'll be the fastest grocery shoppers you've ever known!
Me and my man cart.
Teeth! Look closely, there are two chompers peeking through! Look harder - they're there!
The men of the family were a little concerned about gender identification when he opened his new shopping cart but I assured them that he would learn to shop at Home Depot and not the grocery store. At first I wasn't sure if Brooks was really ready to really move the way this shopping cart makes him move but after -oh, an hour - Brooks is addicted! And we have created a monster. All day long I follow a step behind him as he pushes his man cart around our little house. He runs into the couch and the dining room table and he gets really mad that they won't move out of his way. I turn him to then stroll into the other room - he bumps into the fridge and stomps his foot. Dang fridge....it'll get you every time! Today when Brooks and I were for real shopping for a birthday present for one of his friends the store had a mini shopping cart too. Well, my half dressed, dirty knee'd baby pushed his man cart all over the store. He left in a raging fit that the fun was over and with genuine grocery store feet since his mother didn't care to put shoes on him this morning. This afternoon I had to hide the cart because I was just too exhausted to follow behind him for the remainder of the afternoon.
I hate to tell you all of this and then not show you the proof in video of our baby's shopping abilities but for some reason I can't upload right now. I leave you with visions of his two front/bottom teeth. I knew they were there and would make their debut soon enough. I don't want him to get anymore teeth or start to pull away from his shopping cart to actually walk on his own! Where is the time going???? I am just so grateful to be home with this little monkey everyday to see his every little move. As tiring and monotonous as I may at times relay our days - this truly is the greatest blessing I've known. Thank you, Mr. Brad, for working so hard (and getting up extra early to try to have any "free" time outside of work) so that we can spend our days together! I promise we'll make you happy for the rest of your life! And - we'll be the fastest grocery shoppers you've ever known!
Me and my man cart.
Teeth! Look closely, there are two chompers peeking through! Look harder - they're there!
Friday, April 2, 2010
The greatest Good Friday pictures
We enjoyed our first Easter egg hunt today and a fun play group. And, yes, Brooks is happily sleeping now and mama is worn out! His dad has some shoes just like Brooks that he'll wear to church tonight. How cute!

He died so that we might live....
And on days like today we are living to the fullest! [Now if only I could do that every day despite the weather or circumstances!} I hope you have enjoyed a meaningful and reflective Holy Week. We certainly have and we are so anxious about Brooks' first Easter and this opportunity to tell him about His Savior that died for even his little sins. Brad and I have a date to Good Friday service tonight at our church. I have to be honest, I know what happened on this day but I've always found it a little odd that is called "Good Friday" when it represents such brutality and the death of someone so innocent. I am no biblical scholar so if you have any background please weigh in (husband, please??? I know you have some answers for me). Needless to say, my heart is so anxious for some reason - I think it is the weather and the flowers budding and the anticipation of a Risen Savior on Sunday and time with ALL of my family! (Even the busy doctor will be in town!) I almost feel hypocritical saying that Jesus' death and resurrection mean more to me this year - that sounds kind of childish but it's real. The world has thrown alot at us this year including the birth of a new life in our family and another one on the way but through it all I am assured, especially this Holiday season, that our God reigns. There is hope in a broken world because of Christ's death and resurrection and I am thankful that this time of year that message seems to be all around us. Happy Easter weekend! Enjoy the sunshine, the died eggs, the conversation with family and friends, the once yearly Easter candy and the hope that is offered to us all!
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