We had such a wonderful Easter weekend. It truly was so perfect in so many ways. The weather was exquisite. We were able to spend time with my entire family. We ate amazingly yummy food. The Easter celebration that has spanned the last few weeks at church was just so filling and rejuvenating. I can tell even in the last few days that both Brad and I actually have taken to heart the messages of Easter this year. Don't you love that! When you can tangibly see and feel the grace and joy abounding in a home that might have once harbored even the slightest bit of sarcasm or hostility. Brooks loves Easter eggs and he has enjoyed hiding them from himself and then bursting into laughter when he finds them for the last few weeks now. His down south grand-bunny sent him the cutest Easter/Spring outfits and he just had to wear all of them so he insisted on changing his clothes 3 times each day this weekend. His grand-bunny here gave him a shopping cart.
The men of the family were a little concerned about gender identification when he opened his new shopping cart but I assured them that he would learn to shop at Home Depot and not the grocery store. At first I wasn't sure if Brooks was really ready to really move the way this shopping cart makes him move but after -oh, an hour - Brooks is addicted! And we have created a monster. All day long I follow a step behind him as he pushes his man cart around our little house. He runs into the couch and the dining room table and he gets really mad that they won't move out of his way. I turn him to then stroll into the other room - he bumps into the fridge and stomps his foot. Dang fridge....it'll get you every time! Today when Brooks and I were for real shopping for a birthday present for one of his friends the store had a mini shopping cart too. Well, my half dressed, dirty knee'd baby pushed his man cart all over the store. He left in a raging fit that the fun was over and with genuine grocery store feet since his mother didn't care to put shoes on him this morning. This afternoon I had to hide the cart because I was just too exhausted to follow behind him for the remainder of the afternoon.
I hate to tell you all of this and then not show you the proof in video of our baby's shopping abilities but for some reason I can't upload right now. I leave you with visions of his two front/bottom teeth. I knew they were there and would make their debut soon enough. I don't want him to get anymore teeth or start to pull away from his shopping cart to actually walk on his own! Where is the time going???? I am just so grateful to be home with this little monkey everyday to see his every little move. As tiring and monotonous as I may at times relay our days - this truly is the greatest blessing I've known. Thank you, Mr. Brad, for working so hard (and getting up extra early to try to have any "free" time outside of work) so that we can spend our days together! I promise we'll make you happy for the rest of your life! And - we'll be the fastest grocery shoppers you've ever known!
Me and my man cart.
Teeth! Look closely, there are two chompers peeking through! Look harder - they're there!
classic lemon curd tart
15 hours ago
I love this last picture -- he is such a cutie : ) Let's go walk at the river one morning really soon. Maybe Thursday or Friday?!?!? Love y'all -- so glad you had a great Easter weekend.