1) He is G-O-O-F-Y! Often he looks like he just swallowed a fly which I find amusing. If its not that face then he has his "I am analyzing you" face which sharply turns into shrieking laughter. His expressions are pretty obvious....nothing mysterious about him.
2) He will eat a pork chop if I let him. I don't know another human that would sit and consume food for so much time straight. No breaks or he gets a little feisty. I've turned to cucumbers, lemons, and celery so he can atleast get his fix for food without the calories.
3)He adores his big brother and even if that same big brother just ripped a car out of his hands and had pushed him backwards he still crawl/chases him all over the house.
4)He falls down every single day. I don't care if I never sat him down he would still find a way to bang his head on a tree or something. I want what his head is made of because it is durable!
5)He can wear anything from a 6 month onsie with his name on it (thanks to Emilie) or an 18 month Kissie Kissie outfit (my favorite!) His belly needs a bigger size but his horizontally challenged legs need the 6 month stuff.
6)He is a speed crawler and even swifter on a set of stairs. Awesome.
7)He is standing for a minute or so at a time and then falls to his padded bottom to get to the next place. I have a feeling he will be taking those first steps soon and I am not ready for it one bit!
8)He is easy going and a delightful baby. God knew we would need a "pass" this go around since we would have other big things to face. Thank you!
9)He STILL doesn't even have the peep of a tooth. But he'll still take the pork chop if I let him.
10)He has had a few shy moments lately where he will lay his head on my shoulder when a stranger is talking to him. I secretly love it.
11)He is the perfect piece to our family. He is my buddy, he is Brooks best friend, and he adds the perfect quirky dynamic to our foursome. Though I am hopeful that him turning one will bring about a little relief in our daily lives (maybe more sleep? maybe one less thing to carry around?) I still don't want to let the "baby" go. He seems 6 months younger than B did at this time and I think unless it is for legal reasons I will still call him my baby. He certainly makes having babies a joy!
One month to go.....
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
Amen, he is a delight.