I love even numbers. Therefore I will probably like our second son more than the first because his birthday is so pretty. 8-16-10....nice and even. Everything about the rest of our family and my life is odd numbered. If I knew the slightest thing about karma or feng shui (I obviously don't even know how to spell it) then I would attribute any chaos in my daily routine (which there is never any) to my overloaded environment of odd, ugly numbers.
Today the big man turned 16 months. You could tell from his first bite of waffle this morning that he knew it was his day to celebrate and that his mama would let him do whatever he pleased because she was in even-numbered-euphoria. Sidenote -The waffle ended up in the curtains and from that first throw the day followed the same pattern. Nonetheless, I was feeling a little sentimental and reflective today so I pretty much let him get away with anything just less than terrorizing his little brother. As I have said every month and will continue to say every month to follow....I love this month! I truly am enjoying this stage B is in....discovering, watching, mimicking, pretending, making the world his world. He is so much fun to watch throughout the day and I do just pray as I've prayed over and over and over that I don't miss this stage. As you can imagine it is much easier to miss a stage now that there is another one in his own very different stage. But hold me accountable......
Here are just a few of my favorite things to remember:
*He loves stacking things and knocking them down
*He shows us his "happy feet" all day long now (thanks to his friend, Lee)
*He finally learned to drink out of a straw thanks to Nise feeding his sweet tea
*Uh-oh is his favorite thing to say (and lucky for us - not "duck" anymore)
*He chases Amos around the house even though Amos pays him no attention
*He can slide down the slide on his own and he will do this all day long if I let him (and usually I do while I am inside feeding the baby or cleaning up)
*Which leads to the next favorite thing - he truly can play on his own and loves to entertain himself....thank goodness!
*He has started fake laughing at anything but mostly not funny things
*He loves bubble baths until all of his skin is pruny and falling off
*He loves his daddy and loves watching him leave and greeting him when he gets home. They still wrestle on the bed each night to wind down.
*He has my rhythm and likes to dance
*He may or may not eat too much sugar as a stranger at the park informed me the other day. Thank you, sassy stranger, but we are doing just fine without the comments!
*He isn't the biggest fan of school just yet but I am told after his initial 15 minutes of screaming he forgets about me and loves the playground and music time.
*He likes butter beans. I HATE BUTTER BEANS! But I just love that he loves something that tastes like chalk....maybe that means he will like more tasty veggies in the years to come.
*Oh, and he is obsessed with shoes. He could spend 40 minutes trying to put his shoes on and after he has tried and tried again he will go get dads shoes and take a shot at dads feet....and then mine....and then yours if you are visiting. He obviously doesn't have my severe hatred towards feet.
B-man, you make me young! You keep me on my toes and you remind me each day that God has a purpose in me being your mother. You also bring joy to any small situation. You are my little buddy and my lunch date each day and I don't think anyone could fill that role better.
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