I'll occasionally run across a perfect mom/wife/homemaker through one of the blogs I (used to) read daily. I would read stories of homemade finger paint, handmade presents for friends, and freshly cooked bread for the family along with an occasional pattern to make dresses for a daughter or a blog on how to clip coupons and save a million dollars in a year. I don't turn away from the perfection of a perfect blog woman with disgust or even envy. I just never have wanted to be that mom/wife/lady or atleast I never knew I did but somewhere deep below my haphazard attempts at motherhood and wife hood I probably do want to be that perfect-looking woman for atleast one day just to see what it tastes like. I'd even end my day rubbing my husbands weary shoulders and asking him about the affairs of the office if I were ever really that woman. But on every other day but today even my pinky toe can't do the right thing with the right heart behind it to make someone think we're the All-American picture of the perfect family.
Well, ladies, today may have just been my day. Before noon I had actually cleaned my house or atleast if you took a picture it would look that way. We may have all still been in our pajamas but we had sorted colored blocks with Brooks - aka - learned something. We had given Will-I-Am some tummy time and "mirror time" - aka - tended to the needs of a newborn. And we had even played fetch with the furry guy....yes, all before noon. For lunch we made a feast out of the few morsels of food left in the house hence leaving me feeling even more crafty and efficient than I do on my normal eat-out-for-three-meals-despite-having-just-gone-to-the-store type of day. Then, this afternoon we hit the neighborhood park like any other perfect-looking family would do...we sang songs on the way there and even picked a few flowers for the table on the way home. Big B came home early and drove up to the park and of course he too looked like the perfect little selfless daddy that he is just to add to our seemingly pretty picture. Oh, and I made a quiche tonight. That's right. A real live quiche. It certainly had more red pepper than a real (not fake like me) perfect mom would have thrown in there without measuring but it was a quiche and it was pretty and that is what matters here today on my rare day of Susie-homemaker bliss.
But.....this is what happens at dinner time despite all of my attempts at perfection today. And I would beg to argue that every seemingly perfect household has an occasional day that ends just like this and there is nothing you can do about it but laugh and try again tomorrow, right?
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
Just catching up on some blog reading and had to say that this is why I love reading your blog... so honest and real! Perfection is boring anyways, right?? I'm right there with you. Even though it's not perfect, I think you're doing an amazing job adjusting to two babies! Way to go!! : )