Hello amigos. I have the same few thoughts before I write every single blog lately. I hope in the near future none of these thoughts come to mind when I go to write because there was a time not too long ago when I waited all day long to get to write online to our friends near and far. The thoughts are as follows:
*I really should be cleaning syrup off the legs of the chairs of the kitchen table
*I really should change out the laundry that has been in the washer for a day now
*There is so much to say...I don't know where to begin
*I am so exhausted I don't even know what to say
*Our babies are so edible right now - how can I capture their yummyness in a pill and save it for later because I KNOW I will not remember these days
*How can I be honest on here without sounding like we are in the pits
It feels good just to get past those thoughts that have stopped me from writing more frequently of late and just write for goodness' sake! And it feels even better to confirm some things that are true without a doubt around our house....
1)We have a real sitting, live baby who also eats everything flashed in front of him. If we ever thought Brooks was our eater we were wrong....Little brother would literally salivate over a piece of tin foil even if there was nothing in it. And I think it is pretty obvious that he is quite the epicurean.
2)We also have a real, live, not-made up, talking little boy which means we have the purest and best form of entertainment right in house every single day. I'll admit sometimes Brad and I will say some words that wouldn't normally be permitted (not like curse words but just gross words to us) just to have him repeat the word in his most innocent little voice. Good times, good times. I know it isn't possible but pleeeeeaseee someone stop the clock. My heart aches to see our little boy becoming more independent and more confident with the world. I know that sounds gloomy but it's true - I hate that we have so much else to tend to right now that I don't feel like we are able to fully soak up their little voices and little accomplishments. I pray every night (as I am laying wide awake) that we would be fully attentive to the little fellas the next day and not miss a moment with them as I know I will be wanting these days back very soon.
3)We are the most amazing plant killers inside the perimeter....or so we thought. Brad and I made a valiant attempt to bring life to the front of our house last summer by spending way too much money on plants that we killed within 10 days (along with the scorching temperatures). Well, this winter I finally got around to cleaning out the nasty flower boxes. I literally ripped the weeds out of the pot and cut off some of the dead flowers. What do you know? The weather perks up around here and we have ourselves some new plants in our little pots. Now, I know to many this is just the circle of life and it isn't any big "to-do" but you'd think we had a circus in our front yard each morning! All 3 of us (because William doesn't care about a plant yet unless it can be eaten) get even more excited than we were before that our dead flowers have come back to life. I know this is a far stretch but these little flowers give me hope that one day soon we will start to bloom again. More on that in a second.
4) Waffles. There isn't a thing more certain in our house than waffles. Brooks would have literally only eaten about 10 meals in his life if it weren't for waffles. Like mother like son I suppose because I, too, could make a life out of eating waffles. Thank you, Costco.
5)I'm going to brag so go away if you feel jealousy easily. It is for sure - I married well. Y'all, I can't tell you how well I have been taken care of these last several months as I continue to drag my poor husband down this unending quest to get my health back. I can't imagine a more patient person to walk through this valley with me. He listens and not just casually but actively and he is more interested in my doctor appointments and conversations with pharmacists than even I am. I know there will be more purpose uncovered for our marriage in the future but right now I know that God had me walking through this with only one person. Thank you, God, literally.
6)My baby bangs have already reached 2 inches long from the 2nd baby. Wasn't I just writing about these little pests from the firs?
7)Hormones are potent. We are 3 months into the longest battle I have ever faced and we are nowhere closer to the end but we have learned alot along the way and this is one of the little lessons. Basically my body has just been zapped from 2.5 years of pregnancy and nursing and it doesn't even seem to know where to begin to fix itself. I am so grateful that we are uncovering every rock and looking at every option for some answers. I just can't believe I am 30 and talking about my hormones or lack there of.....
8)Our God is so good. He is so merciful. Last night Brad woke up around 3am when I was whispering prayers that God would go before us today and allow us to enjoy the day even though it looked like I wasn't going to get much sleep. I can attest - my prayers were answered. It amazes me daily - no matter how bad the night was or how long the day might seem before I can take a shot at sleep again - He gives me just enough to get through whatever the day may hold. I can truly say through all of this that the Lord is my shepherd and I KNOW He is leading me somewhere. That is truly the most sure thing I know.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
I think this is a sign that you will be revived and made new like the flowers in the boxes out front. God is answering our prayers . Baby steps every day. Love you