I am waving the white flag over here and maybe should have a few weeks ago. In heaven do you think children will wake up before 7am and only nap for 30 minutes? Seriously, the magical dust needs to be waved over our house for a little m-e-r-c-y. I am talking mercy in the little things. I don't need a yacht or a vacation necessarily, just a dry nose and a two sleeping babies for atleast 15 minutes at the same time. I know that we have been graced with this kind of love in the past so I know it can come around again. If anyone has seen the nap fairy pleeeease send her our way. It's really not even for the sake of my children and their health or their happiness - it's for me. I can't remember the last "break" I had from the two heart throbs that didn't involve a doctors appointment for myself. And folks, I am tiiii-red. So tired. So spent. So drained. So needing things to lean our favor for just a short while. Like just an afternoon - that's it. I'm not asking big here.
I will say that some of our most entertaining moments have come from these afternoons running on fumes so cheers to laughable memories of mommy doing silly things for the sake of entertainment!
Okay, no more whining from me...off to muster up the energy and patience for another afternoon with unrested children and an unrested mama.
God, give me the strength...or a babysitter....asap. Thank you.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
I just answered your prayer so call me back : )
love you : )
Hawkins was a notorious 30 minute napper until someone gave me the BEST advice. This will work for William, but maybe not for Brooks. Give him a couple of oz of formula or milk right before naptime. Not enough to put him to sleep, but enough to keep his belly full so he doesn't wake up hungry. I have been doing this for one week and every single nap Hawkins has taken since I started has been over an hour with most almost 2 hours - which us UNHEARD of in our house! It won't hurt to try!! Wish we were in Atlanta to play with y'all!