True story. Brad walked in the door from an afternoon run just as my grocery shopping companion, aka the 5 month old, and I were putting away the groceries and starting a new recipe - some sort of shrimp pasta thing. Brad picked up the little guy and went into our dark living room to...well, "live."
Me to Brad (from the kitchen as the shrimp was simmering): Your son is a kleptomaniac.
Brad to me (from the living room where he and Brooks were living): Why is our son a f*%$ing maniac?
*Note: he didn't say the real dirty word, he was truly saying "f-ing" but either version sounded quite silly coming out of his fairly clean mouth.
Me (with a raised eyebrow): Because he tried to steal a candy bar in Publix. Hes a kleptomaniac.
Brad to me (walking into the kitchen to clear this up): Why are you saying that?
Me: Saying what? That Brooks is a kleptomaniac?
Brad (with a look that signified that he figured out what I was really saying but was still quite perplexed that a 5 month old could have sticky fingers in a store): Oh, I could have sworn you were calling him an something else.
Me with a giggle: Some days are worse than others but he is never that bad! Anyway, as I go to get Brooks out of the baby bjourn and into the car after our grocery shopping trip I noticed a candy bar in his hand. He grabbed a candy bar I guess as I was paying and walked (or was carried) right out the door with the thing.
Father Brad: Well, that's the 2nd time then. (Reminding me of the first episode last week when we strolled him out of a local outdoor store with a shiny key chain hidden under his elbow).
Not to worry....I returned the candy bar immediately and in turn brought a smile to many a disgruntled grocery store employee and I plan to return the keychain as soon as I am downtown tomorrow. Seriously though....what do you do when your not-walking, not-talking baby sneakily grabs any item in his sight and stuffs it into his pocket only to be found later by his innocent mama? Which reminds me of a similar story when I was growing up and one of my siblings (or it could have possibly been memory fails me when it points to my own faults) decided to "play" with the plastic eggs that were a part of the Easter display at the local Bealls store in Brandon, Florida. I just remember getting home and having to explain to mother dear why there were plastic colored eggs in our pockets. "We wanted them," we exclaimed. Ooops. Kids do the darndest things!
Needless to say, the little guy is getting his hands on everything (hence the picture in yesterday's post) and he is awed by the tiniest shiny object or reflecting surface. I know this seems obvious but it still is odd to me that each day I could love him more than the day before. Just when I think my heart can feel no more love - the next day comes and I walk in the nursery to the most oval, joyful little smile and my heart grows just a little more. I think I am going to like 5 months. He is truly fascinated by everything. The best entertainment is his curiosity regarding Amos. He follows Amos as he runs his morning laps in the yard and he just smiles and giggles at him the whole time as if in his own way he is cheering him on. I am convinced they talk to each other and share the same sentiments about their crazy mom and dad. Oh, my heart is bursting just writing about him. I am so grateful, too, that this move has truly allowed me to live in the moment and soak up every minute with the little guy. I am praying that prayer again that I once mentioned...."to not miss it." Thank you, God, for allowing me to be in the moment each day and enjoy each giggle, smile, and curious gaze. Now if only I could stop him from stealing.....
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
hahaha! Hilarious Bets! I laughed out loud at this! So funny!