That's what Brad JUST told me as I sat wallowing in my chair exclaiming how sad I have been this week that my baby boy is growing up. He is officially walking! I am really kinda stunned at how all this happened and therefore in mild disbelief. Mothers Day he would just barrel forward and hope something would catch him. Then this past weekend he would let go of the furniture and stand alone for minutes at a time just contemplating his next move and I think, personally just taking in his pride and joy that he was standing alone. Then all of a sudden today he let's go of my finger and just walks to where he wants to go. Just like that. No warning. No squeeze of my hand to let me know he is off - nothing....just flat out walking many steps over and over and even making a few turns. Today he walked from the slide at the park to the cozy coupe cruiser car which had to be atleast 100 feet. No exaggerating!
I AM SO SAD. That sounds so selfish of me but I am just not ready for my little baby to not be a baby. Why must he intwine himself in the strings of my heart and then overnight start to pull away from me and {gulp} grow up???
I've been warned about these feelings for the past 20 months since I first learned I was pregnant with the little guy and now it is here - he is spreading his wings and walking to things rather than using me as his cool taxi.
More on this later. I can't compose my over-emotional-pregnant self right now and I need to go and stare at the big-little man as he sleeps {warn out from his new tricks} and pray harder now that I don't miss each day with the little booger.
How can someone cause such joy and turmoil in my heart all at once? How can love get any bigger than this? Oh, Brooks, it's gonna be a tough week on your mama as you approach your birthday this weekend! Just bear with me sweet boy and pass me a wet-wipe.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
Girl! Just be glad he is walking now and not at 16 months : ) That might be a little hard to have a newborn and a non-walking baby too! Yay for Brooks!