But obviously I say it all the time.
"No, no."
Tuesday while exploring my mom's house Brooks walked to the door and shook his head and said, "No, no." Just like that. Not a one time "no" but "no, no," the exact way I have realized I say the little phrase.
I really didn't think Brooks was at the age that I was having to say this that often and really anytime I say it I try to think of another way of deterring the strong willed little boy without always having to say those words. The boy is 12.5 months not 2, keep in mind. Innocence is supposed to last atleast until the terrible two's right?
So sure enough the last three days have been spent listening to the angel-boy say "No, no," to everything good and bad for him all the while shaking his head furiously. Oh boy...pass me a cigarette,
I'm kidding. I have the patience of Job since I am all of 31 weeks pregnant, itching, not sleeping and about to topple over. Sorry for the sarcasm. I do pray every morning though that I will have patience that is surely not my own and that will overcome any testy situation the hot days are bringing. I really don't want to miss these precious last few months with our only child. I get emotional every time Brooks looks at me with his pleading blue eyes and reaches his hands up to me. In a few months will I already be holding another little baby and not be able to reach down and pick up my first born? Will he then learn to do everything on his own and slowly start to find little need for me? Somehow my nostalgia surrounding these final months as a family of 3 has done alot for my patience. I am much more tolerant than I would have ever imagined being in this "predicament" with a curious-George around. But like I've said from the very beginning - I don't want to miss ANYTHING. I don't want to miss even the days where it seems like Brooks has the Independence of a 5 year old and the stubbornness of his daddy! I don't want to miss the time we get to talk while I change his inexplicably terrible diapers. I really don't - and I don't even want to miss the period of time where he throws his food on the floor as if he is feeding the ducks at the pond and telling me "no, no" as I try to shove another piece of banana in his mouth. He loves bananas! That's the funny part.....he is so thrilled by his new phrase that he would say no to cotton candy and a pony right now! The boy doesn't know what's best for him that's for sure......
The rascal is laying in his bed playing with a blanket as I type and all I can hear is his favorite new seemingly meaningless word being repeated over and over and over and over and over again. I think I'll get my camera and try to record it so that I can "enjoy" even this little phase. I am sure it will be funny one day when he is really telling me no and then trying to hit me. Oh goodness, what am I in for with two of these fellas?
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
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