You know me, I love having something on my calendar to look forward to. When Brad asks what he can do to serve me or make me smile...simple I say - plan something! Even something small but give me a date to put on my calendar. Now, I know this isn't the best way to live. I know busyness is not next to godliness and "idleness" shouldn't be a dirty word in our family but I've admitted it before, that's just how I am. Take these last few weeks away from work......I wake up with a beautiful thought that I have nothing I have to do today and within 7 minutes I am stressed just trying to find something...anything to fill the hours. I do admit that marriage has lessened the severity of this disease as I am better able to enjoy a plan-less Saturday with Brad but the effects of the disease still linger no matter how hard I try to just sit...and rest...and relax....and enjoy nothing!
So yesterday I get this fairly usual looking flyer in the mail. One that I normally wouldn't even have looked at but because of this new found free time I have been reading every piece of mail - even the 6 credit card apps in the mail everyday....just to wonder if they spelled my name right! So the front of my flyer says MUDDYBUDDY. I used to love NuttyBuddies, you know, the Little Debbie slender snack filled with layers or peanut butter??? Oh my, just thinking about this layered chocolate wonder makes my stomach turn. Mama used to have every type of Little Debbie in the pantry for lunches. I really took this for granted, knowing now how much she probably had to spend at the store just to give us some unneccessary variety. So seeing that the words were similar I figured there could be something in this flyer for me and oh - was there!
You probably know about this even that is storming the country (or atleast the marketing department made me think so). Supposedly, you pick a partner, do some marginal training and this summer you dress in any wacky outfit you can find and you compete. I love getting dirty! I love bike riding! I love "themed" parties! I love having something fun on my calendar as you now know....And I love a little friendly competition! So I am signing Brad and I up today! I am not sure if he knew I was serious when I mentioned it but I am. So this summer Brad and I will dress as penguins or clowns or maybe cheerleaders and head to Conyers to participate with 999 other duos. Basically you leap frog eachother by running and biking at the same time and you meet at an obstacle and then switch places on bike or on foot. All the while inching closer to the end....the mud pit!!!! I just can't tell you how excited I am just to decide what we may wear....but then to get to play outside and end by running through a mud pit...I can feel us giggling and cackling now!
Here is the site.....
Check it out and let me know if you have an idea for our costume! More so, sign up and come play with us on the morning of June 21st. This is really the best news of the week! Get excited, B-rad!
And here are a few other things on the calendar that excite me:
*My brother's 25th bday is tomorrow and the fam is heading to Athens on Saturday to celebrate with a scrumptious dinner
*Concert on the Marietta square tomorrow night with the Smith's.....I love a little dancing on the square.
*Cuatro de Mayo party at the Powells in a few weekends. Mrs. Powell is a Tejas native and the queen of sangria and guacamole!
*Brad's "Brad-uation"-slash-Birthday party in a few weeks. I love planning parties with my mama!
*Weekend-o-fun in Savannah in May! I have been dreaming of kayaking and sailing on the water and eating seafood!
*MUDDYBUDDY weekend - June 21st!
Cheers to "things to do" on my calendar. Speaking of......I need a new datebook as I am getting rid of the blackberry when I officially end my job next week. I LOVE filling in dates on a calendar! I like to write every single thing on there....birthdates, anniversaries, when i ate a meal I loved, how many miles I ran that know, the usual. No wonder I always feel like there aren't enough hours in the day!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
6 hours ago
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